Artist Jephyr - Digital and Fine Art


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Digital Painting "Enlightenment" - Copyright, 2017, Jephyr! All Rights Reserved


This digital painting started out as a quick
digital" sketch" of just the old man with horns.

It took some time to paint him and create a
background I was happy with — and tried a
LOT of different elements behind him.

Initially, I tried painting a building with
stained-glass windows way off in the distance —
but when I filled the foreground with a single window
frame —the composition felt a lot better to me.

Adding the symbolic elements of the candle,
and hand and flame, came to me while I worked
and infused deeper meaning to this painting for me.

BTW — I took photos of my own
hand to use as a reference.


Image: Copyright 2017, Jephyr (Jeff Curtis), All Rights Reserved